The cumulated energy saving “produced” by Ergelis for its customers since its start in 2004 has exceeded, in 2015, the sum of 10 M€

  • In 2015, Ergelis reached the threshold of 10 M€ cumulated energy saved by its customers since its start in 2004. This is equivalent to 20 000 tons of CO2… or to the yearly consumption of 10 000 homes.
  • The yearly energy savings produced by Ergelis  is since 2014 in excess of 3 M€. With the newly arrived contracts under deployment, this figure is expected to rise quickly.
  • In average, the energy saving on a building managed by Ergelis is 15% of the invoice.

Notre Adresse

2 rue Ambroise Croizat,
91120 Palaiseau, France.
Tél : +



    Our Address

    2 rue Ambroise Croizat,
    91120 Palaiseau, France.
    Tél : +

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